We operate on four terms annually. Dates are available upon publishing

Opening times during term time: 07h30

Closing times during term: 17h30

Our Premises

The ambience of each of our classrooms is purposefully created by each of our teachers. This allows for an authentic experience within each learning space. Each learning area is air-conditioned, well ventilated and appropriately fitted with teaching aids. Our playground is rich with nature. The lush green trees allows the children ample shade during our hot African days and is also a magnificent attraction for the vast array of birds frequenting our garden. Our garden is also home to a generous sized pond which oozes an energy of tranquility, attracting geese, dragon flies and providing a scenic home to our Khoi fish. Our vegetable garden in an on-going project created and cared for by our children. The children enjoy the warmer seasons as they are invited to supervised splash time in our pool. Swimming lessons are provided on-site.

Drop Off and Collection of Students

We have a convenient drop off system whereby you are able to drive through a roundabout and drop your child off at the front door. A member of staff is ready to greet our little independent learners. This system has been a breakthrough in overcoming those challenging drop off moments too! Our gates open at 07h30 and closes at 17h30.


Our aftercare facility extends to external students from surrounding schools. We provide a space for children to complete assigned homework with access to our tutors, teachers and teaching assistants. Extra lessons in Math and English are provided. A light lunch is included (we serve a vegetarian menu), students are encouraged to unwind before attending to their academic tasks. Transport from Bryandale Primary is made available for external students.

Holiday Care

We provide a holiday care service (minimum requirement of 7 children) during term closure periods. The service costs R150 and includes a light lunch and activities. Extra tutoring is made available for students from grade 4 in the core subjects.

Montessori inspired pre-school environment
  • Ages 2 years - grade R
  • Montessori fusion materials and philosophy
  • Preparation for the Grade 1 British learning path
  • Potty training
  • Focus on Practical Life, Math and Language

Foundation years (Grades 1 to 3)
  • British syllabus
  • Second language (French/ Afrikaans/ Spanish)

Intermediate years (Grades 4 to 6)
  • British syllabus
  • Second language (French/ Afrikaans/ Spanish)

Senior phase (Grades 7 to A levels)
  • British syllabus
  • Second language (French/ Afrikaans/ Spanish)